Corporate Tier 1:
Team Building Workshop

This 2-hour basic team-building event introduces your team to the basics of improv communication that can be applied to your employees' daily routine.  Improve communication skills: listening and responding, build trust with coworkers, encourage team members to work in the same direction toward a common goal. Accomplish it all in a fun, interactive way that gets everyone involved! Expect to play games together in a supportive environment that engrains new, positive, productive skills in an enjoyable, professional, learning environment.  The UH Team will lead you through the process.  Just show up, have fun and leave with a new set of skills to take with you into your work days. (2-hour workshop)

Tier 1

Corporate Tier 2:
Game Show Competition
or Talent Show

This fun, competition team building event, includes your choice of a "game-con" style competition challenge complete with prizes! Or, guides groups who want to learn how to put on a successful company talent show! Includes Tier 1. (Minimum 4-hours. 1-to-2 day workshop options.)

Tier 2

Corporate Tier 3:
Custom Solutions

This custom workshop, split into 2 days, is structured to your specific company's needs.  Currently, what issues need to be addressed in your team, management styles or company culture? Let our experienced instructors gently yet effectively lead misaligned behavioral performances and other issues toward winning mindsets and actions that get collaborative results for teams. Communication issues, recent layoffs/employee retention, mediation/conflict resolution and more! Learn tools to resolve, solve and fill the gaps to get your business past speed bumps and onto the next level. (6-hour workshop)

Tier 3

Book Your Complimentary Discovery Call

Discuss co-creating the success that your company is craving, making visible improvements as quickly as this month.

Click here to Book Your Call


PO Box 714
Sedona, AZ, 86339, US

About us

Unauthorized Happiness is an improv comedy troupe based in Sedona, Arizona. We believe in sharing our passion for getting together and astronomically increasing the amount of fun experienced in our community's everyday lives. Monthly shows Tuesday nights at Mary D. Fisher Theater. Win a FREE pair of tickets for "suggestion of the night". Grab a coworker, invite a date or bring your kids to our family-friendly show!  

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